Parent Teacher Student Association

School dances. Doughnut sales. Spirit nights. Teacher appreciation. These are few of things College Park Middle's PTSA does for the school. And we need help to keep up those traditions — and start new ones.

That's where you come in.

We need parents just like you to pitch in — with your time or through donations — to help our school and our students continue to excel. No amount of either is too small and can make a huge difference at our school.

We invite all parents to get involved. There are lots of ways — big and small — for you to help your child — and all CPMS to succeed:

It Takes a Village We’ll be focusing on school painting projects and overall campus beautification this year. Plus, our annual holiday angel tree makes sure all CPMS kids get a gift for the holidays.

Fundraising From selling doughnuts outside the gym in the morning to planning our annual fundraiser, THIS is what makes the impossible actually possible.

Student Events Help us plan dances, 8th-grade graduation and other fun events that help kids stay interested in school.

Teacher Appreciation We love our CPMS teachers! That’s why we like to treat them throughout the year — and make sure they have what they need for their classrooms.

Community Outreach We always need help getting local businesses and groups involved in supporting their neighborhood school.

You can start helping with a suggested family donation of $20 for an annual CPMS PTSA membership.
Membership not required to volunteer. We accept ALL help!