Academic Honesty Policy

College Park Middle School - Academic Honesty Policy

College Park Mission Statement
“Our school is a positive learning environment that enables and inspires all to acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing, multicultural world.”

The students and staff at College Park Middle School are committed to academic honesty and aim to ensure that our school becomes an environment filled with principled learners and leaders who understand and develop the required skills.

It is an expectation of College Park Middle School that all work presented is their own original work. This expectation extends to ALL work submitted. (Some examples include home learning assignments, projects, quizzes, and tests). Ignorance of malpractice is not a valid excuse for lapses and does not prevent consequences.

Teachers will:

• Provide opportunities for students to learn proper MLA citation

• Individuals and Societies and the Media Specialist will teach the initial lessons

• Provide opportunities for students to practice proper citation

• Provide students with advice whenever necessary

• Act as good role models

The school will:

• Ensure that the policy is followed by all and that teachers pass on the skills to students

• Ensure that training is in place for teachers

• Understand all facets of the Academic Honesty Policy

• Provide a published copy of the Academic Honesty Policy

• Provide an informational evening for parents

Parents will:

• Guide their students in their home learning assignments and projects while maintaining the fidelity of the Academic Honesty Policy

• Have a clear understanding of the Academic Honesty Policy that will be detailed in informational events

Students will:

• Seek advice from their teachers

• Use proper citations

• Acknowledge help from parents and peers

Students will not:

• Use an online translator

• Cut and paste from uncited sources

• Copy another student’s work

• Allow others to copy from your work

The rights of the student:

• The student has the right to due process

• The student has the right to appeal the final decision

• The appeal board will consist of the teacher, an administrator, the IB coordinator and a parent.

• The student has the right to respectfully disagree; however, the decision of the appeal board is final.

Penalties for Academic Honesty Violations:
• According to the OCPS Code of Student Conduct, cheating and other forms of misrepresentation are considered Level II Behaviors because they significantly interfere with the learning and/or the well-being of others.

• 1st offense: failing grade of 50% on that assignment and resubmission of the assignment, parent contact

• 2nd offense: failing grade of 0% on that assignment and re-submit the assignment, parent contact. Failure to re-submit the assignment will result in a lunch detention where students will complete authentic work

• 3rd offense: failing grade of 0% on that assignment and re-submit the assignment, parent contact and one day of PASS (Positive Alternative to School Suspension) while completing authentic assignment.


Glenridge Middle School Academic Honesty Policy, ADA Merritt K-8 Center Academic Honesty Policy, The Codrington School Academic Honesty Policy, Academic Honesty in the IB- IB Position Paper, OCPS Code of Conduct